Scenario-based Model-driven Configuration Management Proof-of-Concept

Fermín Galán Márquez (galan at
April 2010


In this page you will find a software package that can be used to check the feasibility of scenario-based model-driven configuration management for experimentation infrastructures (i.e., testbeds) based on TIM-to-TSM transformations.

Note that here we provide a software proof-of-concept, but not the details of the scenario-based model-driven configuration management approach. Such details (e.g., architecture, TIM-to-TSM transformations principles, the Testbed Independent Model semantics, information regarding VNUML-based and ADRENALINE testbeds, etc.). For more detailed a theoretical level information see my Ph.D Thesis.

Where to find the source code

It can be found in the SVN repository at Google Code in the tim-transforms project. There are two main directories in the trunk:

Easy-to-run Proof-of-Concept

In order to get a (relatively) quick and easy look to the software, there is a prepackage proof of concept. There are two ways of running it:
  1. A .tar.gz package. Untar and read the README.txt that comes with the package for detailes (such as prerequisites, installation, etc.). You will need to install Eclipse with a bundle of not so common plugins, which for some systems can be problematic. To easy this, we has create a customized Eclipse installation that can be downloaded alongs with the .tar.gz (see the README.txt for details).
    Release Date Comments
    TIMTransformsMDA-v2009_10_15.tar.gz 15/Oct/2009 Initial release

  2. A virtual appliance for VMware Player containing the PoC. VMware Player can be donwloaded for free here, the version used as reference is 3.0.1 build-227600 although it should work with any newer one. You can also used VMware Workstation, in the case you have access to it (note that VMware Workstation is not a freeware tool).

    The virtual machine (zipped) can be downloaded here (MD5SUM: 7bc06c6c16868f4b8ceedc9b1e0d0acc). Note that it is a relatively large file, aroung 950MB. Once you download and unzip it, do the following:

No matter the alternative, all the materials within the package can be used under the terms of GPL and Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Spain licenses for software code and models/documentation, respectively.

Old versions of the Prof of Concept

The old PoC (not based on MDA) can be accessed here.


Don't hesitate to contact me if you have problems using the software or any other question. In addition, feedback (regarding the software implementation or the ideas behind it) is highly appreciated!