LEarn from Video Extensive Real Atm Gigabit Experiment

LEVERAGE Conferences

As part of a co-ordinated dissemination strategy, the LEVERAGE consortium organised two international conferences during the project.

Collaborative learning and working over networks
The 2nd LEVERAGE conference/symposium, Collaborative learning and working over networks, was held at ETSI Telecommunicación, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid 10-11 December 1998.

Philippa Wright, Head of Information Services at the Centre for Information on Language Teaching and Research in London, gives an account of the LEVERAGE symposium on Collaborative learning and working over networks in LEVERAGE News 5.

Education in the communication age
The 1st LEVERAGE conference on broadband communications in education and training, Education in the communication age, took place at the University of Cambridge 7-8 January 1998 and brought together participants from a range of pedagogical, technical, academic and industrial backgrounds from throughout Europe and further afield.

Summaries of the papers given at the Education in the communication age conference have been provided by the speakers.

A report on the first LEVERAGE conference can be found in LEVERAGE News 4.

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LEVERAGE News 1 - Sept 96 | 2 - April 97 | 3 - Sept 97 | 4 - July 98 | 5 - Feb 99

LEVERAGE home page

Last updated 1st June 1999
E-mail: leverage@cilt.org.uk