LEarn from Video Extensive Real Atm Gigabit Experiment

LEVERAGE News No 2, April 1997

Welcome to the second issue of LEVERAGE News

In this issue . . .

Co-ordinator's column InterACTS

Pedagogical issues Acronym key


Welcome to the second issue of LEVERAGE News

. . . the newsletter which aims to keep you up to date with progress in the LEVERAGE project.

The last six months have been a busy and exciting time for the LEVERAGE team. The first LEVERAGE trial with real end-users has just been completed in Cambridge. The results of this trial will be analysed and used to improve the system in preparation for the second, international trial which will take place between Cambridge and Paris later this year. As trials are such a fundamental part of all ACTS projects, we have decided to have a trials focus throughout this issue of LEVERAGE News.

In the feature on Pedagogical issues the Cambridge University Language Centre team give an overview of running the trial while in the Technophile section Antonio Seminara from Ascom Tech provides an illustrated description of the overall architecture making up the LEVERAGE system.

The InterACTS section features a report by a member of the Spanish LEVERAGE team on the recent distributed conference on usability run by the USINACTS project. This event had the added dimension of being a trial for the USINACTS system at the same time as being a live conference with participants from all over Europe.

We hope you find this issue of LEVERAGE News enjoyable and informative and welcome receiving any comments, suggestions or contributions for future issues.

Philippa Wright
LEVERAGE Information Unit, CILT (UK)

Acronym key

Asynchronous Transfer Mode
Computer-Assisted Language Learning
Directorate General
Joint ATM Experiment on European Services
Technology Enhanced Language Learning
Usability in ACTS

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Last updated 1st June 1999
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