Términos\Ataque dirigido

Ataque dirigido


Son aquellos ataques realizados normalmente de manera silenciosa e imperceptible, cuyo objetivo es una persona, empresa o grupos de ambas. No son ataques masivos, porque su objetivo no es alcanzar al mayor número posible de ordenadores. Su peligro estriba precisamente en que son ataques personalizados, diseñados especialmente para engañar a las potenciales víctimas.



A targeted attack occurs when attackers target a specific entity/organization over a long time span. Often the objective of targeted attacks is either data exfiltration or gaining persistent access and control of the target system. This kind of attack consists of an information gathering phase and the use of advanced techniques to fulfil the attacker’s goals. The first phase can possibly involve specially crafted e-mails (spearphishing), infected media and social engineering techniques, whereas the second phase involves advanced and sophisticated exploitation techniques.

ENISA Threat Landscape [Deliverable – 2012-09-28]
