Términos\Ataque por microfragmentos de TCP/IP

Ataque por microfragmentos de TCP/IP


Ataque consistente en fragmentar los paquetes TCP en partes IP tan pequeñas como para dividir la cabecera y engañar a los filtros que analizan la información en la cabecera para tomar decisiones respecto de los paquetes TCP.


With many IP implementations it is possible to impose an unusually small fragment size on outgoing packets. If the fragment size is made small enough to force some of a TCP packet's TCP header fields into the second fragment, filter rules that specify patterns for those fields will not match. If the filtering implementation does not enforce a minimum fragment size, a disallowed packet might be passed because it didn't hit a match in the filter.

STD 5, RFC 791 states: Every Internet module must be able to forward a datagram of 68 octets without further fragmentation. This is because an Internet header may be up to 60 octets, and the minimum fragment is 8 octets.

