Términos\Base fiable de procesamiento

Base fiable de procesamiento

Acrónimos: TCB


·         http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trusted_computing_base


En la terminología del TCSEC (libro naranja) estadounidense, mecanismos de protección, sean físicos, lógicos o ambos, que son responsables de la seguridad del sistema. [Ribagorda:1997]


Totality of protection mechanisms within a computer system, including hardware, firmware, and software, the combination responsible for enforcing a security policy. [CNSSI_4009:2010]


(N) "The totality of protection mechanisms within a computer system, including hardware, firmware, and software, the combination of which is responsible for enforcing a security policy." [NCS04]

(See: "trusted" under "trust". Compare: TPM.)



The totality of protection mechanisms within a computer system -- including hardware, firmware, and software -- the combination of which is responsible for enforcing a security policy. A TCB consists of one or more components that together enforce a unified security policy over a product or system. The ability of a trusted computing base to correctly enforce a security policy depends solely on the mechanisms within the TCB and on the correct input by system administrative personnel of parameters (e.g., a user's clearance) related to the security policy. [TCSEC:1985]
