Términos\Cargador de claves

Cargador de claves


·         Clave

·         Clave criptográfica


Unidad electrónica autocontenida capaz de almacenar, al menos, una clave criptográfica y transmitir esta, bajo petición, al equipo criptográfico. (ISO-8732). [Ribagorda:1997]


A self-contained unit that is capable of storing at least one plaintext or encrypted cryptographic key or a component of a key that can be transferred, upon request, into a cryptographic module.  [CNSSI_4009:2010]


a self-contained device that is capable of storing at least one plaintext or encrypted cryptographic key or key component that can be transferred, upon request, into a cryptographic module. [ISO-19790:2006]


a self-contained unit that is capable of storing at least one plaintext or encrypted cryptographic key or key component that can be transferred, upon request, into a cryptographic module. [FIPS-140-2:2001]
