


·         Certificado X.509

·         Certificado de autenticación


Documento electrónico que permite asociar una clave criptográfica pública a una entidad propietaria de dicha clave, y que está protegido criptográficamente para garantizar su integridad y su autenticidad. [CCN-STIC-430:2006]


1. En un sistema de clave pública, clave pública de un usuario más alguna otra información, todo ello cifrado con la clave privada de la autoridad de certificación, para hacerlo infalsificable.

2. Documento, expedido por la autoridad competente, que concede a un equipo de cifra una determinada habilitación de seguridad. (v. Evaluación).



Un Certificado Digital es un documento digital mediante el cual un tercero confiable (una autoridad de certificación) garantiza la vinculación entre la identidad de un sujeto o entidad y su clave pública.



Es la pieza central de la infraestructura PKI, y es la estructura de datos que enlaza la clave pública con los datos que permiten identificar al titular. Su sintaxis, se define empleando el lenguaje ASN.1 (Abstract Syntax Notation One), y los formatos de codificación más comunes son DER (Distinguish Encoding Rules) o PEM (Privacy Enhanced Mail).



A digitally signed representation of information that 1) identifies the authority issuing it, 2) identifies the subscriber, 3) identifies its valid operational period (date issued / expiration date). In the IA community certificate usually implies public key certificate and can have the following types:

cross certificate – A certificate issued from a CA that signs the public key of another CA not within its trust hierarchy that establishes a trust relationship between the two CAs.

encryption certificate – A certificate containing a public key that can encrypt or decrypt electronic messages, files, documents, or data transmissions, or establish or exchange a session key for these same purposes. Key management sometimes refers to the process of storing protecting and escrowing the private component of the key pair associated with the encryption certificate.

identity certificate – A certificate that provides authentication of the identity claimed. Within the NSS PKI, identity certificates may be used only for authentication or may be used for both authentication and digital signatures.



(I) A certificate document in the form of a digital data object (a data object used by a computer) to which is appended a computed digital signature value that depends on the data object. (See: attribute certificate, public-key certificate.) [RFC4949:2007]


an entity's data rendered unforgettable with the private or secret key of a certification authority. [ISO-19790:2006]


An entity's data rendered unforgeable with the private or secret key of a certification authority. [ISO-13888-1:2004]


the public document issued by a Certification Body as a formal statement confirming the results of the evaluation and that the evaluation criteria, methods and procedures were correctly applied; including appropriate details about the evaluation based obn the ETR. [ITSEM:1993]


Document électronique émis par un tiers de confiance permettant de lier une clé publique à une personne morale ou physique. On parle également de certificat de clé publique ou de certificat X509.

