


Capacidad ofensiva en redes y sistemas con el objetivo de limitar o destruir la capacidad operativa de un ciberadversario. Esta capacidad busca garantizar la libertad de acción propia en el ciberespacio. Los ciberataques se pueden lanzar bien para repeler un ataque (ciberdefensa), bien como soporte de otras operaciones.


The offensive capacity includes the manipulation or disruption of networks and systems with the purpose of limiting or eliminating the adversary’s operational capability. This capability can be required to guarantee one’s freedom of action in the cyber domain. Cyber-attacks can be launched to repel an attack (active defence) or to support the operational action.

NATO - Cyber Security Strategy for Defence,- ACST–Strategy-CyberSecurity-001, 2014


is a capability to initiate a cyber attack that may be used as a cyber deterrent.

Russia-U.S. Bilateral On Cybersecurity Critical Terminology Foundations, Apr. 2011.
