Términos\Conocimiento nulo (técnica de)

Conocimiento nulo (técnica de)


·         Prueba de posesión

·         Método asimétrico de autenticación


Técnica de autenticación basada en un cifrado asimétrico. Se caracteriza porque un único intercambio de información de autenticación no es suficiente para avalar la autenticidad de una entidad, pero dicha información puede bastar para delatar una suplantación (ISO/IEC ISO-10181-2). [Ribagorda:1997]


Protocolo que permite demostrar el conocimiento de un secreto sin revelar información alguna relativa al mismo. [CESID:1997]


A password based authentication protocol that allows a claimant to authenticate to a Verifier without revealing the password to the Verifier. Examples of such protocols are EKE, SPEKE and SRP. [NIST-SP800-63:2013]


(I) /cryptography/ A proof-of-possession protocol whereby a system entity can prove possession of some information to another entity, without revealing any of that information. (See: proof-of- possession protocol.) [RFC4949:2007]


In an interactive proof, when the verifier learns nothing about the fact being proved (except that it is correct) from the prover that he could not already learn without the prover, even if the verifier does not follow the protocol (as long as the prover does). In a zero-knowledge proof, the verifier cannot even later prove the fact to anyone else.



A zero-knowledge proof or zero-knowledge protocol is an interactive method for one party to prove to another that a (usually mathematical) statement is true, without revealing anything other than the veracity of the statement.

