


Valor medio ponderado de la cantidad de información transmitida por un mensaje, no conocido a priori, de una fuente (conjunto) de ellos.

En otras palabras, la entropía de una fuente mide la incertidumbre que, a priori, tiene un observador acerca de la aparición de un mensaje (no conocido previamente) de dicha fuente.

Se mide en bitios y, raramente, en Hartleys (en honor del matemético estadounidense R.V. Hartley, uno de los primeros estudiosos de la teoría de la información).



Medida de la impredictibilidad. Se dice que una contraseña tiene mayor entropía cuanto más impredecible sea. Y viceverse, una contraseña fácilmente predecible tiene poca entropía.


A measure of the amount of uncertainty that an Attacker faces to determine the value of a secret. Entropy is usually stated in bits. [NIST-SP800-63:2013]


A measure of the difficulty that an Attacker has to guess the average password used in a system. In this document, entropy is stated in bits. When a password has n-bits of guessing entropy then an Attacker has as much difficulty guessing the average password as in guessing an n-bit random quantity. The Attacker is assumed to know the actual password frequency distribution. [NIST-SP800-63:2013]


A measure of the difficulty that an Attacker has to guess the most commonly chosen password used in a system. In this document, entropy is stated in bits. When a password has n-bits of min-entropy then an Attacker requires as many trials to find a user with that password as is needed to guess an n-bit random quantity. The Attacker is assumed to know the most commonly used password(s). [NIST-SP800:63:2013]
