Términos\Equipo rojo

Equipo rojo


·         Equipo azul

·         Equipo blanco


Un elemento de la organización compuesta por miembros entrenados y educados que proporcionan una capacidad independiente para explorar a fondo las alternativas en los planes y actividades en el contexto del entorno operativo y desde la perspectiva de los adversarios.


An organizational element comprised of trained and educated members that provide an independent capability to fully explore alternatives in plans and operations in the context of the operational environment and from the perspective of adversaries and others. [JP2-0:2013]


A group of people authorized and organized to emulate a potential adversary’s attack or exploitation capabilities against an enterprise’s security posture. The Red Team’s objective is to improve enterprise Information Assurance by demonstrating the impacts of successful attacks and by demonstrating what works for the defenders (i.e., the Blue Team) in an operational environment. [CNSSI_4009:2010]


A structured, iterative process executed by trained, educated and practiced team members that provides commanders an independent capability to continuously challenge plans, operations, concepts, organizations and capabilities in the context of the operational environment and from our partners’ and adversaries’ perspectives.

