Términos\Integridad del sistema

Integridad del sistema


Dícese de un sistema cuando está perfectamente dispuesto para llevar a cabo la misión que tiene encomendada, libre de manipulaciones no autorizadas, accidentales o deliberadas.


The property whereby an entity has not been modified in an unauthorized manner.

NIST 800-53: Guarding against improper information modification or destruction, and includes ensuring information non-repudiation and authenticity.



Attribute of an information system when it performs its intended function in an unimpaired manner, free from deliberate or inadvertent unauthorized manipulation of the system. [CNSSI_4009:2010]


1. (I) An attribute or quality "that a system has when it can perform its intended function in a unimpaired manner, free from deliberate or inadvertent unauthorized manipulation." [C4009, NCS04] (See: recovery, system integrity service.) [RFC4949:2007]


(I) Synonym for "system integrity"; this synonym emphasizes the actual performance of system functions rather than just the ability to perform them. [RFC4949:2007]


The quality that a system has when it performs its intended function in an unimpaired manner, free from unauthorized manipulation of the system, whether intentional or accidental. [NIST-SP800-33:2001]
