


Acción de apoderarse ilegítimamente de una información, en claro o cifrada, transmitida por un canal.

Usualmente, se consigue captando las emisiones de radiofrecuencia del citado canal.



An attack in which an Attacker listens passively to the authentication protocol to capture information which can be used in a subsequent active attack to masquerade as the Claimant. [NIST-SP800-63:2013]


(I) Passive wiretapping done secretly, i.e., without the knowledge of the originator or the intended recipients of the communication. [RFC4949:2007]


Eavesdropping is simply listening to a private conversation which may reveal information which can provide access to a facility or network.



(I) A type of threat action whereby an unauthorized entity directly accesses sensitive data while the data is traveling between authorized sources and destinations. (See: unauthorized disclosure.)

Usage: This type of threat action includes the following subtypes:

·         "Theft": Gaining access to sensitive data by stealing a shipment of a physical medium, such as a magnetic tape or disk, that holds the data.

·         "Wiretapping (passive)": Monitoring and recording data that is flowing between two points in a communication system. (See: wiretapping.)

·         "Emanations analysis": Gaining direct knowledge of communicated data by monitoring and resolving a signal that is emitted by a system and that contains the data but was not intended to communicate the data. (See: emanation.)

