Términos\ITSEC - Information Technology Security Evaluation Criteria

ITSEC - Information Technology Security Evaluation Criteria

Acrónimos: ITSEC


·         Criterios comunes

·         TCSEC - Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria



Ha surgido de la armonización de varios sistemas europeos de criterios de seguridad en TI. Tiene un enfoque más amplio que TCSEC.

Los criterios establecidos en ITSEC permiten seleccionar funciones de seguridad arbitrarias (objetivos de seguridad que el sistema bajo estudio debe cumplir teniendo presentes las leyes y reglamentaciones).

Se definen siete niveles de evaluación, denominados E0 a E6, que representan una confianza para alcanzar la meta u objetivo de seguridad. E0 representa una confianza inadecuada. E1, el punto de entrada por debajo del cual no cabe la confianza útil, y E6 el nivel de confianza más elevado. Por ello, los presentes criterios pueden aplicarse a una gama de posibles sistemas y productos más amplia que los del TCSEC.

El objetivo del proceso de evaluación es permitir al evaluador la preparación de un informe imparcial en el que se indique si el sistema bajo estudio satisface o no su meta de seguridad al nivel de confianza precisado por el nivel de evaluación indicado.


(en) Information Technology Security Evaluation Criteria (ITSEC)

(N) A Standard [ITSEC] jointly developed by France, Germany, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom for use in the European Union; accommodates a wider range of security assurance and functionality combinations than the TCSEC. Superseded by the Common Criteria.



Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom published the Information Technology Security Evaluation Criteria (ITSEC) based on existing work in their respective countries. Following extensive international review, Version 1.2 was subsequently published in June 1991 by the Commission of the European Communities for operational use within evaluation and certification schemes.

The ITSEC is a structured set of criteria for evaluating computer security within products and systems. The product or system being evaluated, called the target of evaluation, is subjected to a detailed examination of its security features culminating in comprehensive and informed functional and penetration testing.

The degree of examination depends upon the level of confidence desired in the target. To provide different levels of confidence, the ITSEC defines evaluation levels, denoted E0 through E6. Higher evaluation levels involve more extensive examination and testing of the target.

Unlike earlier criteria, notably the TCSEC developed by the US defense establishment, the ITSEC did not require evaluated targets to contain specific technical features in order to achieve a particular assurance level. For example, an ITSEC target might provide authentication or integrity features without providing confidentiality or availability. A given target's security features were documented in a Security Target document, whose contents had to be evaluated and approved before the target itself was evaluated. Each ITSEC evaluation was based exclusively on verifying the security features identified in the Security Target.

Since the launch of the ITSEC in 1990, a number of other European countries have agreed to recognise the validity of ITSEC evaluations.

The ITSEC has been largely replaced by Common Criteria, which provides similarly-defined evaluation levels and implements the target of evaluation concept and the Security Target document.

