Términos\Modo multinivel

Modo multinivel


·         Modo de operación (2)


es aquel [modo de operación] en el que un Sistema maneja información con diferentes grados de clasificación. Permite el acceso selectivo y simultáneo a dicha información al personal autorizado con diferentes grados de clasificación y distintas necesidades de conocer. El Sistema realiza de manera fiable la completa separación de los datos y el control del acceso selectivo. [CCN-STIC-001:2006]


El sistema maneja información con diferentes grados de clasificación. Permite el acceso selectivo y simultáneo a dicha información al personal habilitado con diferentes grados de clasificación y "necesidad de conocer". El sistema realiza de manera fiable la completa separación de los datos y el control de acceso selectivo. [CCN-STIC-103:2006]


Mode of operation wherein all the following statements are satisfied concerning the users who have direct or indirect access to the system, its peripherals, remote terminals, or remote hosts: 1) some users do not have a valid security clearance for all the information processed in the information system; 2) all users have the proper security clearance and appropriate formal access approval for that information to which they have access; and 3) all users have a valid need-to-know only for information to which they have access. [CNSSI_4009:2010]


1. (N) A mode of system operation wherein (a) two or more security levels of information are allowed to be to be handled concurrently within the same system when some users having access to the system have neither a security clearance nor need-to-know for some of the data handled by the system and (b) separation of the users and the classified material on the basis, respectively, of clearance and classification level are dependent on operating system control. (See: /system operation/ under "mode", need to know, protection level, security clearance. Compare: controlled mode.)

Usage: Usually abbreviated as "multilevel mode". This term was defined in U.S. Government policy regarding system accreditation, but the term is also used outside the Government.

2. (O) A mode of system operation in which all three of the following statements are true: (a) Some authorized users do not have a security clearance for all the information handled in the system. (b) All authorized users have the proper security clearance and appropriate specific access approval for the information to which they have access. (c) All authorized users have a need-to-know only for information to which they have access. [C4009] (See: formal access approval, protection level.)

