


·         http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phishing


Método de ataque que busca obtener información personal o confidencial de los usuarios por medio del engaño o la picaresca, recurriendo a la suplantación de la identidad digital de una entidad de confianza en el ciberespacio.


Phishing es la denominación que recibe la estafa cometida a través de medios telemáticos mediante la cual el estafador intenta conseguir, de usuarios legítimos, información confidencial (contraseñas, datos bancarios, etc) de forma fraudulenta.

El estafador o phisher suplanta la personalidad de una persona o empresa de confianza para que el receptor de una comunicación electrónica aparentemente oficial (vía e-mail, fax, sms o telefónicamente) crea en su veracidad y facilite, de este modo, los datos privados que resultan de interés para el estafador.



Los ataques de "phishing" usan la ingeniería social para adquirir fraudulentamente de los usuarios información personal (principalmente de acceso a servicios financieros). Para alcanzar al mayor número posible de víctimas e incrementar as sus posibilidades de éxito, utilizan el correo basura ("spam") para difundirse. Una vez que llega el correo al destinatario, intentan engañar a los usuarios para que faciliten datos de carácter personal, normalmente conduciéndolos a lugares de Internet falsificados, páginas web, aparentemente oficiales, de bancos y empresas de tarjeta de crédito que terminan de convencer al usuario a que introduzca datos personales de su cuenta bancaria, como su número de cuenta, contraseña, número de seguridad social, etc.



An attack in which the Subscriber is lured (usually through an email) to interact with a counterfeit Verifier/RP and tricked into revealing information that can be used to masquerade as that Subscriber to the real Verifier/RP. [NIST-SP800-63:2013]


fraudulent process of attempting to acquire private or confidential information by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication

NOTE - Phishing can be accomplished by using social engineering or technical deception.

[ISO/IEC 27032:2012]


A form of Internet fraud that aims to steal valuable information such as credit card details, user IDs and passwords by tricking the user into giving the attacker the confidential information. [CSS NZ:2011]


Deceiving individuals into disclosing sensitive personal information through deceptive computer-based means. [CNSSI_4009:2010]


(D) /slang/ A technique for attempting to acquire sensitive data, such as bank account numbers, through a fraudulent solicitation in email or on a Web site, in which the perpetrator masquerades as a legitimate business or reputable person. (See: social engineering.)

Derivation: Possibly from "phony fishing"; the solicitation usually involves some kind of lure or bait to hook unwary recipients. (Compare: phreaking.)



Tricking individuals into disclosing sensitive personal information through deceptive computer-based means. [NIST-SP800-83:2005]


An attacker may create and use e-mails and websites, designed to look like e-mails and websites of legitimate organisations, in order to deceive users into disclosing personal data such as usernames and passwords.


A form of criminal activity using social engineering techniques. Phishers attempt to fraudulently acquire sensitive information, such as passwords and credit card details, by masquerading as a trustworthy person or business in an electronic communication. Phishing is typically carried out using email or an instant message, although phone contact has been used as well). Attempts to deal with the growing number of reported phishing incidents include legislation, user training, and technical measures.



The practice of tricking a user into giving away personal information such as bank account details by pretending to be a legitimate business or organisation.



Phishing is the practice of "fishing" for victims and luring these unsuspecting Internet users to a fake Web site.

This is accomplished by using authentic-looking email with the real organization's log with the purpose being to steal passwords, financial or personal information, or introduce a virus attack.



An attempt at identity theft in which criminals lead users to a counterfeit website in the hope that they will disclose private information such as user names or passwords.



The use of e-mails that appear to originate from a trusted source to trick a user into entering valid credentials at a fake website. Typically the e-mail and the web site looks like they are part of a bank the user is doing business with.

