


·         negro


En entornos de seguridad de la información, se refiere a los elementos que manejan información sensible o clasificada sin cifrar (en claro).


In cryptographic systems, refers to information or messages that contain sensitive or classified information that is not encrypted. See also BLACK.  [CNSSI_4009:2010]


A "red network“ typically refers to a trusted network. in contrast to a "black network." which is less secured. When discussing unidirectional communications in critical networks. traffic is typically only allowed outward from the red network to the black network. to allow supervisory data originating from critical assets to be collected and utilized by less secure SCADA systems. In other use cases, such as data integrity and fraud prevention. traffic may only he allowed from the black network into the red network, to prevent access to classified data once they have been stored. [knapp:2014]
