Términos\SAFER - Secure And Fast Encryption Routine

SAFER - Secure And Fast Encryption Routine

Acrónimos: SAFER


·         Cifrado en bloque

·         Criptografía de clave secreta

·         http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SAFER


Algoritmo de cifra basado en un secreto compartido (clave). Cifra el texto en bloques de 64 bits. Utiliza claves de 64 (K-64 y SK-64) o 128 bits (K-128 y SK-128).


Algoritmo público de cifrado en bloque diseñado por J. Massey para Cylink Corp. La versión SAFER K-64 cifra bloques de 64 bits con longitud de claves de 64 bits y la SAFER K-128 emplea dos claves de 64 bits cada una. [CESID:1997]


The Secure And Fast Encryption Routine with 64-bit key algorithm was introduced by J. L. f block ciphers designed primarily by James Massey (one of the designers of IDEA) on behalf of Cylink Corporation. The early SAFER K and SAFER SK designs share the same encryption function, but differ in the number of rounds and the key schedule. More recent versions  SAFER+ and SAFER++  were submitted as candidates to the AES process and the NESSIE project respectively. All of the algorithms in the SAFER family are unpatented and available for unrestricted use.

