Términos\Sistema trampa

Sistema trampa


·         Red trampa


Sistema/máquina "trampa" utilizado para atraer a posibles intrusos.


recurso cuyo valor reside en hecho de ser comprometido. Al ser elementos no productivos, cualquier actividad dirigida u originada en ellos es considerada maliciosa y por tanto de gran utilidad en detección de intrusiones como elemento de alerta temprana. [CCN-STIC-401:2007]


Es un sistema diseñado para analizar cómo los intrusos emplean sus armas para intentar entrar en un sistema (analizan las vulnerabilidades) y alterar, copiar o destruir sus datos o la totalidad de éstos (por ejemplo borrando el disco duro del servidor). Por medio del aprendizaje de sus herramientas y métodos se puede, entonces, proteger mejor los sistemas. Pueden constar de diferentes aplicaciones, una de ellas sirve para capturar al intruso o aprender cómo actúan sin que ellos sepan que están siendo vigilados.



A deception technique in which a person seeking to defend computing devices and cyber infrastructure against cyber operations uses a virtual environment designed to lure the attention of intruders with the aim of: deceiving the intruders about the nature of the environment; having the intruders waste resources on the decoy environment; and gathering counterintelligence about the intruder’s intent, identity, and means and methods of cyber operation. The honeypot can be co-resident with the real targets the intruder would like to attack, but the honeypot itself is isolated from the rest of the systems being defended via software wrappers, separate hardware, and other isolation techniques such that the intruder’s operations are contained.

The Tallinn Manual, 2013


A system (e.g., a web server) or system resource (e.g., a file on a server) that is designed to be attractive to potential crackers and intruders and has no authorized users other than its administrators. [CNSSI_4009:2010]


(N) A system (e.g., a web server) or system resource (e.g., a file on a server) that is designed to be attractive to potential crackers and intruders, like honey is attractive to bears. (See: entrapment.) [RFC4949:2007]


A host that is designed to collect data on suspicious activity and has no authorized users other than its administrators. [NIST-SP800-61:2004]


A system designed to look like a regular network but which, in fact, monitors and traces unauthorised access.



A honey pot is a computer system on the Internet that is expressly set up to attract and "trap" people who attempt to penetrate other people's computer systems.



Programs that simulate one or more network services that you designate on your computer's ports. An attacker assumes you're running vulnerable services that can be used to break into the machine. A honey pot can be used to log access attempts to those ports including the attacker's keystrokes. This could give you advanced warning of a more concerted attack.



(I) "The deliberate planting of apparent flaws in a system for the purpose of detecting attempted penetrations or confusing an intruder about which flaws to exploit." [FP039] (See: honey pot.) [RFC4949:2007]


Site leurre simulant un site de production configuré avec une sécurité moyenne ou minime. Le but est d'attirer les pirates informatiques afin de les détourner du véritable site de production mais aussi dans le but d'analyser leurs techniques d'intrusion et de découvrir les nouvelles tendances en la matière afin d'optimiser et d'adapter les mécanismes de protection.

