Términos\Triple DES

Triple DES

Acrónimos: TDEA, TDES, 3DES


·         DES - Data Encryption Standard

·         [ISO-18033-3:2005]


Algoritmo de cifra que realiza 3 cifrados DES consecutivos. Cifra el texto en bloques de 64 bits. Utiliza claves de 112 o 160 bits (correspondientes  a 2 o 3 claves de 56 bits).


Procedimiento que aumenta la fortaleza del DES consistente en efectuar, en su modo estándar (E-D-E DES), sucesivamente un cifrado, un descifrado y otro cifrado DES usando dos claves, una para los procesos de cifrado y la otra para el de descifrado. [CESID:1997]


An implementation of the Data Encryption Standard (DES) algorithm that uses three passes of the DES algorithm instead of one as used in ordinary DES applications. Triple DES provides much stronger encryption than ordinary DES but it is less secure than AES. [CNSSI_4009:2010]


(I) A block cipher that transforms each 64-bit plaintext block by applying the DEA three successive times, using either two or three different keys for an effective key length of 112 or 168 bits. [A9052, SP67] [RFC4949:2007]


Triple DES is implemented by running the symmetric DES algorithm three times with two or three different keys. The first and the third execution is done in encrypt mode and the second execution is in decrypt mode.
