
Es un ataque de ingeniería social, variante del spear phishing, que se caracteriza porque el fraude está dirigido a miembros concretos de la organización, principalmente ejecutivos de alto nivel, con el objeto de obtener sus claves, contraseñas y todo tipo de información confidencial que permita a los atacantes el acceso y control de los sistemas de información de la empresa.

La forma en que se comete el ataque bajo esta figura, es muy similar a la de los ataques de phishing. Se procede mediante el envío de correos electrónicos falsos que contienen enlaces a sitios web fraudulentos, con la diferencia de que en el caso de phishing el afectado no es necesariamente un directivo o alto cargo de la organización.



Whaling is a type of fraud that targets high-profile end users such as C-level corporate executives, politicians and celebrities.

As with any phishing endeavor, the goal of whaling is to trick someone into disclosing personal or corporate information through social engineering, email spoofing and content spoofing efforts. The attacker may send his target an email that appears as if it's from a trusted source or lure the target to a website that has been created especially for the attack. Whaling emails and websites are highly customized and personalized, often incorporating the target's name, job title or other relevant information gleaned from a variety of sources. 

The term whaling is a play-on-words because an important person may also be referred to as a "big fish." In gambling, for examples, whales describe high-stakes rollers who are given special VIP treatment.

Due to their focused nature, whaling attacks are often harder to detect than standard phishing attacks. In the enterprise, security administrators can help prevent success whaling expeditions by encouraging corporate management staff to undergo information security awareness training.

