Exercise 1:

Write a program that:

Exercise 2:

Write a program to solve lineal equation systems.

A lineal equation systems is formed by n equations with n variables, where all the terms in the equations have the form constant*variable. For example, this is a system with 4 equations and 4 variables.

  2x + 3y + 4z + 3w - 17 = 0 
   x +  y +  z + 2w -  4 = 0 
 -2x + 4y -  z + 4w +  1 = 0 
   x + 3y + 5z + 7w - 15 = 0 
To solve the system means to find a value for all the variables such as all the equations are satisfied.

One method to solve these systems is to mix pairs of equations in order to get a diagonalizated system. A diagonalizated system is a system where all the terms are zero, but terms in the main diagonal and in the last column. After the diagonalization process of the previos example, we could get a system like this:

 -2.701x +       0 +      0 +      0 +  2.701 = 0 
       0 + -3.019y +      0 +      0 +  6.039 = 0 
       0 +       0 + 3.666z +      0 - 11.000 = 0 
       0 +       0 +      0 - 4.666w -  4.666 = 0 
With this transformed system is very easy to calculate the variable values: for each variable, divide the value in the last column between the variable coeficient, and change the sign.
 x = 1
 y = 2
 z = 3
 w = -1

The steps to program this exercise are:

  1. Create a bidimensional array of size N x N+1, where N is the size of the system. In the previous example N is 4, i.e. 4 rows or equations and 5 variables.

  2. Store the coeficients in the array. With the previous example, we should get the following array:

    2 3 4 3 -17
    1 1 1 2 -4
    -2 4 -1 4 1
    1 3 5 7 -15

  3. Now, we must diagonalizate the array. The algorithm to diagonalizate the array is:
    FOR (d=0 ; d<N ; d++)  // get 0 in all positions but (d-th,d-th).
        FOR (row=0 ; row<N ; row++) // transforms row: "row-th", column: "d-th".   
    	IF (row != d)           // but skip row d-th. (d-th,d-th) is a non-zero position.
    	    IF (array[row][d] != 0) { // skip (row,d) if already zero.
                    // sum rows d-th and row-th. 
    		k = array[d][d]/array[row][d]; // multiply factor to get 0 at (row,d)
    		FOR (col=0 ; col<=N ; col++) 
    		    array[row][col] = k*array[row][col] - array[d][col];
    The values in the array are now:

    -2.701 0 0 0 2.701
    0 -3.019 0 0 6.039
    0 0 3.666 0 -11.000
    0 0 0 -4.666 -4.666

  4. The last step consists of calculating the value of the variables dividing the last column values by the diagonal ones, and changing the sign.