
OCIRowCount -- Gets the number of affected rows


int OCIRowCount(int statement);

OCIRowCounts() returns the number of rows affected for eg update-statements. This funtions will not tell you the number of rows that a select will return!

Example 1. OCIRowCount

  2 <?php
  3     print "<HTML><PRE>";
  4     $conn = OCILogon("scott","tiger");
  5     $stmt = OCIParse($conn,"create table emp2 as select * from emp");
  6     OCIExecute($stmt);
  7     print OCIRowCount($stmt) . " rows inserted.<BR>";
  8     OCIFreeStatement($stmt);
  9     $stmt = OCIParse($conn,"delete from emp2");
 10     OCIExecute($stmt);
 11     print OCIRowCount($stmt) . " rows deleted.<BR>";
 12     OCICommit($conn);
 13     OCIFreeStatement($stmt);
 14     $stmt = OCIParse($conn,"drop table emp2");
 15     OCIExecute($stmt);
 16     OCIFreeStatement($stmt);
 17     OCILogOff($conn);
 18     print "</PRE></HTML>";
 19 ?>