Términos\Pruebas de penetración

Pruebas de penetración


·         Penetración

·         http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penetration_test

·         Ataque controlado

·         Escáner de vulnerabilidades

A veces denominado “pen testing” o “pentesting”.


Las pruebas de penetración tienen como finalidad intentar identificar  maneras de aprovechar las vulnerabilidades para evitar o rechazar las características de seguridad de los componentes del sistema. Las pruebas de penetración incluyen pruebas de aplicaciones y de redes, y controles y procesos de redes y aplicaciones. Se realizan tanto desde el exterior del entorno (pruebas externas) como en el sentido contrario.



Una prueba de penetración (pentest) es un método de evaluación de la seguridad de un sistema informático o red mediante la simulación de un ataque de una fuente malicioso realizado por un hacker ético. El proceso implica un análisis activo de cualquier vulnerabilidad potencial, configuraciones deficientes o inadecuadas, tanto de hardware como de software ,o deficiencias operativas en las medidas de seguridad.

Este análisis se realiza desde la posición de un atacante potencial y puede implicar la explotación activa de vulnerabilidades de seguridad. Cualquier problema de seguridad que se encuentran se presentará al propietario del sistema, junto con una evaluación de su impacto, y a menudo con una propuesta de mitigación o una solución técnica. La intención de una prueba de penetración es determinar la viabilidad de un ataque y el impacto en el negocio de un ataque exitoso.



Pruebas de auditoria para comprobar la correcta aplicación y configuración de contramedidas de seguridad en los dispositivos de información y comunicaciones según lo especificado en la política de seguridad y así alertar de posibles desviaciones detectadas. [CCN-STIC-401:2007]


1. Prueba realizada por el evaluador sobre el Objeto de Evaluación para comprobar si sus vulnerabilidades son, o no, explotables en la práctica (ITSEC).

2. Etapa del proceso de verificación de la seguridad de un sistema en la que los evaluadores tratan de soslayar o violar los controles de seguridad del mismo.



A Penetration Test. A method for determining the risk to a network by attempting to penetrate its defenses. Pentesting combines vulnerability assessment techniques with evasion techniques and other attack methods to simulate a “real attack.” [knapp:2014]


A test methodology in which assessors, typically working under specific constraints, attempt to circumvent or defeat the security features of an information system. [NIST-SP800-53:2013]


A test methodology in which assessors, typically working under specific constraints, attempt to circumvent or defeat the security features of an information system. [CNSSI_4009:2010]


(I) A system test, often part of system certification, in which evaluators attempt to circumvent the security features of a system. [NCS04, SP42] (See: tiger team.) [RFC4949:2007]


tests performed by an evaluator on the Target of Evaluation in order to confirm whether or not known vulnerabilities are actually exploitable in practice. [ITSEC:1991]


The portion of security testing in which the penetrators attempt to circumvent the security features of a system. The penetrators may be assumed to use all system design and implementation documentation, which may include listings of system source code, manuals, and circuit diagrams. The penetrators work under no constraints other than those that would be applied to ordinary users. [TCSEC:1985]


Penetration tests attempt to exploit vulnerabilities to determine whether unauthorized access or other malicious activity is possible. Penetration testing includes network and application testing as well as controls and processes around the networks and applications, and occurs from both outside the network trying to come in (external testing) and from inside the network.



When trusted hackers simulate an attack on a computer system in the hope of revealing vulnerabilities and finding opportunities for improving its security.



Penetration testing is the security-oriented probing of a computer system or network to seek out vulnerabilities that an attacker could exploit. The testing process involves an exploration of the all security features of the system in question, followed by an attempt to breech security and penetrate the system. The tester, sometimes known as an ethical hacker, generally uses the same methods and tools as a real attacker. Afterwards, the penetration testers report on the vulnerabilities and suggest steps that should be taken to make the system more secure.



Penetration testing is used to test the external perimeter security of a network or facility.



Penetration testing goes beyond vulnerability scanning to use multistep and multivector attack scenarios that first find vulnerabilities and then attempt to exploit them to move deeper into the enterprise infrastructure. Since this is how advanced targeted attacks work, penetration testing provides visibility into aggregations of misconfigurations or vulnerabilities that could lead to an attack that could cause serious business impact. As a minimum, penetration testing provides a means for prioritizing the highest risk vulnerabilities.



Penetration testing (also called pen testing) is the practice of testing a computer system, network or Web application to find vulnerabilities that an attacker could exploit.

Pen tests can be automated with software applications or they can be performed manually. Either way, the process includes gathering information about the target before the test (reconnaissance), identifying possible entry points, attempting to break in (either virtually or for real) and reporting back the findings.

The main objective of penetration testing is to determine security weaknesses. A pen test can also be used to test an organization's security policy compliance, its employees' security awareness and the organization's ability to identify and respond to security incidents.

Penetration tests are sometimes called white hat attacks because in a pen test, the good guys are attempting to break in.

Pen test strategies include:

Targeted testing

Targeted testing is performed by the organization's IT team and the penetration testing team working together. It's sometimes referred to as a "lights-turned-on" approach because everyone can see the test being carried out.

External testing

This type of pen test targets a company's externally visible servers or devices including domain name servers (DNS), e-mail servers, Web servers or firewalls. The objective is to find out if an outside attacker can get in and how far they can get in once they've gained access.

Internal testing

This test mimics an inside attack behind the firewall by an authorized user with standard access privileges. This kind of test is useful for estimating how much damage a disgruntled employee could cause.

Blind testing

A blind test strategy simulates the actions and procedures of a real attacker by severely limiting the information given to the person or team that's performing the test beforehand. Typically, they may only be given the name of the company. Because this type of test can require a considerable amount of time for reconnaissance, it can be expensive.

Double blind testing

Double blind testing takes the blind test and carries it a step further. In this type of pen test, only one or two people within the organization might be aware a test is being conducted. Double-blind tests can be useful for testing an organization's security monitoring and incident identification as well as its response procedures.



Les tests de pénétration essayent d’identifier les manières d’exploiter les vulnérabilités pour contourner ou vaincre les fonctions sécuritaires des composants du système. Le test d’intrusion doit inclure le test du réseau et de l’application, ainsi que des contrôles et processus relatifs aux réseaux et aux applications. Il doit être mis en œuvre aussi depuis l’extérieur de l’environnement (test externe) que de l’intérieur.

