Términos\Denegación de servicio distribuida

Denegación de servicio distribuida

Acrónimos: DDoS


·         Denegación de servicio

·         http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denial-of-service_attack

·         http://xforce.iss.net/alerts/advise40.php

·         Botnet


Ataque de denegación de servicio que se realiza utilizando múltiples puntos de ataque simultáneamente.


Ataque DoS en el que participan gran cantidad de máquinas atacantes. [CCN-STIC-612:2006]


A technique that employs two or more computers, such as the bots of a botnet, to achieve a denial of service from a single or multiple targets.

The Tallinn Manual, 2013


Denial of Service technique that uses numerous hosts to perform the attack.



A DoS technique that uses numerous hosts to perform the attack.



When more than one system is used to attack resources of a single server to create a denial of service attack.


A DoS attack launched against a site from multiple sources.  Generally the attacker places client software on a number of unsuspecting remote computers, then later uses these computers to launch an attack.  A DDoS attack is more effective than a simple DoS attack and is more difficult to prevent.



On the Internet, a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack is one in which a multitude of compromised systems attack a single target, thereby causing denial of service for users of the targeted system. The flood of incoming messages to the target system essentially forces it to shut down, thereby denying service to the system to legitimate users.



Attack is a means for attackers, using multiple attack points or multiple attackers, to attempt to shut down a given website or online activity with massive and overwhelming numbers of requests to the server that hosts the site or activity; this attack method is often used by cyber criminals for online extortion.


Denial of Service de type distribué, c'est-à-dire en provenance de multiples sources permettant ainsi d'accroître l'efficacité de l'attaque et les dégâts causés à la cible.



Le déni de service distribué (DDOS, Distributed Denial of Service) est une forme particulière de déni de service, simple et efficace, particulièrement répandue.

Un déni de service distribué consiste en l'utilisation synchronisée de plusieurs machines, en général des victimes de chevaux de Troie qui, a leur insu, déclenchent une attaque par déni de service sur une cible particulière.

Les outils classiquement utilisés pour générer des dénis de service distribués sont:

·         TFN/TFN2K (Tribe Flood Network) permettant de générer des attaques de type ICMP echo, SYN flooding et SMURF attack.

·         TrinOO génère des attaques distribuées de type UDP flooding.

Ce type d'attaque a notamment été utilisé par le hacker canadien MafiaBoy contre les sites de CNN, Yahoo...

