Términos\Denegación de servicio

Denegación de servicio

Acrónimos: DoS


·         Denegación de servicio distribuida

·         http://www.cert.org/advisories/CA-99-17-denial-of-service-tools.html

·         Inundación

·         Extorsión en la red


Se entiende como denegación de servicio, en términos de seguridad informática, a un conjunto de técnicas que tienen por objetivo dejar un servidor inoperativo.

Mediante este tipo de ataques se busca sobrecargar un servidor y de esta forma no permitir que sus legítimos usuarios puedan utilizar los servicios por prestados por él.

El ataque consiste en, saturar con peticiones de servicio al servidor, hasta que éste no puede atenderlas, provocando su colapso.

Un método mas sofisticado es el Ataque de Denegación de Servicio Distribuido (DDoS), mediante el cual las peticiones son enviadas, de forma coordinada entre varios equipos, que pueden estar siendo utilizados para este fin sin el conocimiento de sus legitimos dueños.

Esto puede ser así mediante el uso de programas malware que permitan la toma de control del equipo de forma remota, como puede ser en los casos de ciertos tipos de gusano o bien porque el atacante se ha encargado de entrar directamente en el equipo de la victima.



Rechazo de un acceso autorizado a los recursos del sistema o demora en las operaciones críticas en el tiempo. (ISO-7498-2) [Ribagorda:1997]


Acción de impedir el acceso, estando autorizado, a recursos o retrasar las operaciones. [CESID:1997]


Prevención de acceso autorizado a recursos o retardo deliberado de operaciones críticas desde el punto de vista del tiempo. [ISO-7498-2:1989]


The non-availability ofcomputer resources to the intended or usual customers of a computer service, normally as a result of a cyber operation.

The Tallinn Manual, 2013


A denial-of-service attack (DoS) is an attempt to make a resource unavailable to its users. A distributed denial-of-service attack (DDoS) occurs when multiple attackers launch simultaneous DoS attacks against a single target. In DDoS attacks, attackers use as much firepower as possible (usually through compromised computer systems/botnets) in order to make the attack difficult to defend. The perpetrators of DoS attacks usually either target high profile websites/services or use these attacks as part of bigger ones in order achieve their malicious goals. As stated, despite the fact that these kinds of attacks do not target directly the confidentiality or integrity of the information resources of a target, they can result in significant financial and reputation loss.

ENISA Threat Landscape [Deliverable – 2012-09-28]


Denial of service (DOS) attacks are attempts to render a computer system unavailable to users through a variety of means. These may include saturating the target computers or networks with external communication requests, thereby hindering service to legitimate users. Distributed denial of service (DDOS) attacks are denial of service attacks executed by many computers at the same time. There are currently a number of common ways by which DOS and DDOS attacks may be conducted. They include, for example, sending malformed queries to a computer system; exceeding the capacity limit for users; and sending more e-mails to e-mail servers than the system can receive and handle.

Budapest Convention on Cybercrime


The prevention of authorized access to resources or the delaying of time-critical operations. (Time-critical may be milliseconds or it may be hours, depending upon the service provided.). [CNSSI_4009:2010]


(I) The prevention of authorized access to a system resource or the delaying of system operations and functions. (See: availability, critical, flooding.) [RFC4949:2007]


the prevention of authorized access to a system resource or the delaying of system operations and functions. [ISO-18028-1:2006]


an attack against a system to deter its availability. [ISO-18028-4:2005]


An attack that prevents or impairs the authorized use of networks, systems, or applications by exhausting resources. [NIST-SP800-61:2004]


The prevention of authorized access to resources or the delaying of timecritical operations. (Time-critical may be milliseconds or it may be hours, depending upon the service provided.) [NIST-SP800-27:2004]


The prevention of authorized access to resources or the delaying of time-critical operations. [NIST-SP800-33:2001]


Any action or series of actions that prevent any part of a system from functioning in accordance with its intended purpose. This includes any action that causes unauthorized destruction, modification, or delay of service. [IRM-5239-8:1995]


The prevention of authorized access to resources or the delaying of time-critical operations. [ISO-7498-2:1989]


Overwhelming a host with spurious data in order to cause legitimate connection attempts to fail.  DoS attacks do not reveal sensitive data to the attacker, however they can cause untold damage to reputation as well as a lost business. According to the March 2000 Computer Crime and Security Survey of the FBI's Computer Institute, 60% of detection of Denial of Service attacks.



The prevention of authorized access to a system resource or the delaying of system operations and functions.



An IT defense strategy implemented to provide a business network with security against denial of service (DoS) attacks, which harm the network by flooding it with additional requests, ultimately slowing or completely interrupting traffic.

Denial of service protection offers businesses a way to guard against the threat of DoS attacks that hinder the functionality of a network by disrupting the availability of network resources. When a network falls under a DoS attack and is flooded with malicious traffic, network service could be interrupted for long periods of time, making business-critical information unavailable. Along with guarding against standard DoS attacks, businesses should also provide their networks with Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Protection. DDoS employs a host of compromised computers to launch a large-scale attack on company networks. For common victims of DoS attacks, such as online businesses, service providers and service carriers, damages from DoS attacks can be felt as loss of revenue through network downtime, and tainted business reputations. For these reasons in particular it is important that companies have proper denial of service protection implemented as part of their network security measures.



Impossibilité d'accès à des ressources pour des utilisateurs autorisés ou introduction d'un retard pour le traitement d'opérations critiques. [ISO-7498-2:1989]


Méthode de piratage réseau qui consiste à provoquer un refus d'accès à un service en ligne pour tout utilisateur souhaitant se connecter. La conséquence de cet acte réside dans une atteinte à la disponibilité de la cible.



Type d´attaque, utilisé sur un réseau comme Internet, visant à empêcher le bon fonctionnement d´un service sans en altérer son contenu. Par exemple, le résultat peut-être l´inaccessiblité pendant plusieurs heures d´un site Internet. Plusieurs moyens sont utilisés afin d´y parvenir: saturation des ressources du serveur, saturation de la bande passante...



Attaque consistant à saturer une ressource en effectuant de manière malveillante des demandes de réservation excessives ou en occupant le service illicitement. Parmi les attaques de déni de service les plus connues: SYN flooding, UDP flooding, ping of death, LAND attack, SMURF attack, mail bombing...

