Términos\Extorsión en la red

Extorsión en la red


·         Denegación de servicio


Presión que, mediante amenazas, se ejerce sobre alguien para obligarle a obrar en determinado sentido.

DRAE. Diccionario de la Lengua Española.


to make sb give you sth by threatening them

Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary.


Cyberextortion is a form of online criminal activity in which the Web site, e-mail server, or computer infrastructure of an enterprise is subjected repeatedly to denial of service or other attacks by crackers (malicious hackers), who then demand money in return for promising to stop the attacks. Such crackers are called cyberextortionists. As the number of enterprises that rely on the Internet for their business has increased, opportunities for cyberextortionists have exploded.

